The RxJS debounceTime operator delays values emitted by a source Observable. It does this by waiting for a specified amount of time called (in milliseconds) and then emitting the value when the specified amount of time has elapsed.

Unless a new value is emitted from the source Observable before the delay time is up, then it:

  • drops the previous value
  • emits the new value from the source Observable
  • resets the timer and starts waiting again for the specified time

This behavior can be used to filter out the unwanted values or to only emit the last value of a series of rapidly emitted values. This makes the debounceTime operator very helpful when creating a real-time search and autosave.

Basic Usage

const result = fromEvent(document, 'click')
    // Click event is delayed for 1000ms or 1s
    // It emits the most recent click event, even after burst clicking

result.subscribe(value => console.log(value));

Real-time search with debounceTime

When the user types in a search bar, we can use debounceTime to prevent sending a request for every keystroke and instead wait for a time to elapse before sending the request to the server.

In a previous blog post, I created a real-life example of how to create a typeahead with the switchMap and debounceTime operator.

  template: `
  <input [formControl]="searchBar" type="text">
export class AppComponent {
  public readonly searchBar = new FormControl();

  public readonly searchResults$ = this.searchBar.valueChanges.pipe(
    debounceTime(1000), // Waits for 1000ms or 1s before emitting
    distinctUntilChanged() // doesn't emit if current value = previous value

  constructor() {
    this.searchResults$.subscribe((query) => {

Autosave with debounceTime

When a user is typing in a form, we can use debounceTime to prevent saving after every keystroke and instead wait for a time before saving the changes to the database.

  template: `
    <form [formGroup]="form" (ngSubmit)="save()">
        <input type="text" formControlName="firstName">
        <input type="text" formControlName="lastName">
        <button type="submit">Save</button>
export class UserFormComponent implements OnInit {

  public readonly form =;

  ngOnInit() {
      // Wait for 500ms after each keystroke before saving the user
      .subscribe((user: User) => {


Check out the full example on Stackblitz


  • debounceTime delays emitted values from a source Observable
  • previous emitted values are dropped when a new value comes in before the delay is up
  • debounceTime is a helpful operator when creating a real-time search and autosave